By God’s grace we are the place where
…every person who walks through our door hears,
“Welcome Home.”
What if I haven’t been to church in a long time?
Not a problem, even if you’ve never been to church before. At Grace we try hard to be “user-friendly.” Our worship services don’t require that you have any past church experience.
What if I am not Lutheran?
While Grace is affiliated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, we are here for anyone seeking to grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If you want to learn more about Lutheran doctrine, that’s an option but it’s certainly not a requirement for attending.
What can I expect?
Because our worship follows a traditional Lutheran style it will likely seem rather formal. You can expect to be welcomed at the entry into the worship center (sanctuary) and to receive a worship folder for the service. The worship folder will guide you through the service. The hymns we sing will be found in a book (hymnal) in the book rack on the back of seats (pews) and are numbered for easy reference. Occasionally the hymns will be printed in the bulletin. There will be announcements at the beginning of worship and if you would like special prayers offered for yourself or friends and family you may request those by speaking to an usher or filling out a card found near the hymnal and giving it to the usher.
Depending on the service, there may also be baptisms. We celebrate Holy Communion on the first and third Sunday of each month. The pastor will offer prayers during service and deliver a message of encouragement, grace, and hope.
What should I wear?
Wear what you feel is comfortable and appropriate. We do not have a dress code and we certainly wouldn’t want you to worry about this. Some people dress casually, others come in “business casual” attire. Some prefer to dress up, while others prefer to dress down. We are more concerned about seeking and hearing from God than we are about clothing.
Is there something for my kids?
Absolutely! We believe that worship is a place where families can and should worship together. We encourage parents with small children to bring them to worship where they will be welcomed by our family here at Grace. We do realize that there are occasions when younger children may need to occasionally “gather themselves” during worship. A non-staffed parent’s room is located at the end of the main hall in the educational wing. The audio of our worship service is broadcast into this room for your convenience.
On many Sundays the children of the congregation are invited to come forward for a message directed especially for them. We also offer Sunday School the hour before worship for preschoolers through High Schoolers.
What if I wish to receive Holy Communion?
It is important to us that those who receive Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper) affirm what we believe Jesus teaches regarding this wonderful gift. To view this click here
1 Corinthians 11:27-30 teaches that this meal, which is intended by God to bless and strengthen us, can harm those who are not properly instructed. We believe that Jesus is really present in Holy Communion in some way that we cannot explain or fully understand. 1 Corinthians 11:29 strongly suggests this is the primary reason for what the people at Corinth were experiencing. This is why we ask those who have not communed with us before at Grace to speak with our pastor before worship. He would be happy to help you more fully understand our practice regarding the Lord’s Supper.
I’m struggling with some personal issues. Is help available?
Yes. Many people, including Christians, face challenges in their personal and family lives. These can include addictions, marital problems, financial crises, abuse, depression, divorce, deaths of loved ones, physical trauma and emotional problems. We want to support you and encourage healing in your life however possible. It is admirable and courageous to recognize that you need support in sorting out life’s difficulties.
You may request to meet with our pastor to discuss your problem in confidence.
How do I become a member?
If you have no church background our pastor will take you through the basics of the Christian faith after which you will be able to make an informed decision about affiliating with Grace.
If you are a member of another Christian congregation we will receive you either by transfer or affirmation of faith. Again, our pastor will want to speak with you prior to formal reception into membership.